Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This past week in class we have done many different labs. These labs included observing a candle, pouring a gas, marshmallow fun, and observing change in matter. The first lab, burning a candle, was to help us understand chemical changes. When we lit the candle on fire the flame reacted with the candle. We knew this was a chemical change because the two elements formed a new element, smoke.
 Next the lab, pouring a gas, was another chemical change lab also. It showed us how alka seltzer reacted with water to form CO2. We then poured it onto the flame so we could see how a flame needs oxygen to burn and not CO2.
Our third lab was called marshmallow fun. This also showed us a chemical change while having fun. When put in the flame the sugar in the marshmallow burned and left a bitter taste. We also got to eat the marshmallows when we were done, so it was pretty fun.
Our final lab was observing change in matter. This showed us both physical and chemical change. First we crushed a sugar cube and let it dissolve in water. We knew that this was a physical change because we could still taste that the sugar was present. Finally we burned sugar over a bunson burner. When we finished burning the sugar we knew that it was a chemical change by 1) the new product that we got was CO2 and 2) it definitely didn't taste like sugar anymore.