Sunday, January 30, 2011

Arctic Waters Warmer Than In 2000 Years

Water flowing from the North Atlanticinto the Arctic Ocean is warmer today than any time in the past 2000 years.The Fram Strait, which runs between Greenland and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard,  have been warmed 3.5 degrees over the past 100 years. These temperatures are 2.5 degrees higher than in the Medieval Warm Period, a time of elevated warmth from 900-1300A.D.. This is proof that global warming is atypical in the context of historical climate fluctuations. Scientists found an abundance of warm water fish that rose over the past 100 years, becoming dominant over the cold water fish for the first time in 2000 years. A growing number of studies in the last decade have added weight to the theory that the warming over the past 100 years is unusual, however. Arctic Waters Warmer Than In 2000 Years

I think this is proof that we need to find a new way to live. Such as finding alternate fuel sources and planting more trees. If we don't the results will become worse and worse every year.

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